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Korfu - trasa wycieczki


Korkyra is identified with the ancient island of Scheria, inhabited by the Phaeacians, ruled by King Alinous. Scheria was the final stage of Odysseus' 10-year return journey to his native Ithaca, which was described in Homer's Odessey. The goddess Athena used the king's daughter Nausicaa to help Odysseus when the sea waves washed him shipwrecked on the island. For this purpose, she sent Nausicaa a dream in which her friend she urged her to go to the river to wash her clothes. The next day, she and her servants actually went to the river and the girls washed their clothes, spread them on the grass to dry, and started playing football. The ball fell into the water and the girls' screams woke up the sleeping Odysseus. After talking to the stranger, Nausicaa helped him. She fed him, gave him clothes and invited him to the palace, where his father and mother organized a feast to entertain Odysseus. Moved by the story of his wandering and captivated by his beauty, she was ready to marry him, but Odysseus already had a wife and had to leave. Alcinouss gave him a ship to return home. The myth of Nausicaa was used by Sophocles in Greek theatre, Johann Wolfgang Goethe in literature, Peter Paul Rubens in painting, Jacek Kaczmarski in poetry and Hayao Miyazaki in animated films.

Nauzykaa i Odyseusz - obraz Michele Desubleo (1603 – 1676)


Polish senators, representatives of diplomacy and the army, as well as members of the uprising government of 1794 focused on emigration in Venice, became interested in the political situation prevailing in Greek lands at the end of the 18th century. The main area of Polish emigration was the Ionian Islands, which at that time became of interest to European powers - Russia, England and Austria. Gen. Jan Henryk Dąbrowski made plans to liberate Greece with the participation of Polish legions and create a new nation called Greco-Polish. In order to assess the situation in the archipelago, Lt. Col. Józef Chamand was delegated to Corfu. He came from a French family settled in Poland, but he felt like a Pole. He took part in the Polish-Russian war of 1792 in defense of the Constitution of May 3, where he obtained the rank of lieutenant, and during the Kościuszko Uprising in 1794 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel. After the partitions, he emigrated to Vienna, and in January 1797 he joined the Polish legions in Italy. His mission on the Ionian Islands did not bring the expected results, because under the French-Austrian treaty in Campo Formio in 1797, the Ionian Islands were awarded to France. (www.irjp.gov.pl)

Gen. Jan Henryk Dąbrowski wjeżdża do Rzymu - January Suchodolski (źródło:wikipedia.org)

Greece - Corfu

May 2024

View from Angelokastro castle

I had been planning a joint vacation with my son for a long time. The opportunity came in May, when Julek had a few days off from school. Destinations were somewhat limited due to the unstable situation in some regions and the associated risks. Ultimately, the choice fell on the Greek island of Corfu.

I took advantage of the all inclusive option and bought the trip at a renowned Itaka travel agency. The choice turned out to be a bull's-eye. The flight from Katowice was a bit of an inconvenience, but we somehow survived it and arrived safely. Julek was very happy because he had nice memories of his previous stay in Greece on the Chalkidiki peninsula. This time he wasn't disappointed either, and neither was I. So that the rest would not be monotonous, as usual, I organized trips to the most attractive places in the area. Although we didn't see everything I had planned, it was still not bad.

Julek is resting

Plaża w Agnos, na horyzoncie wybrzeże Albanii Cały basen tylko dla mnie Czas coś przekąsić Chwila relaksu Kobierzec wodorostów Dzikie wybrzeże szyper Sieci rybackie Oryginalne logo Diabeł morski (ten po prawej) Widzimy się na kolacji Impresja I wszystko jasne Ścieżka Miłości Gaj oliwny Strażnik Roda, tawerny dla turystów Naturalne gąbki Pamiątki dla turystów Roda Beach Plaża Astrakeri Puszczanie kaczek Dzikie wybrzeże Klif Astrakeri Słodkie lenistwo Słodkie lenistwo Trzeba sie troszkę poruszać Pełen relaks Zaraz pokażę na co mnie stać Idealna synchronizacja Artysta Chwila ochłody Niezawodna żabka

Our hotel was located in the small village of Agnos in the north of the island. Although there were almost no attractions in its immediate vicinity, the facility itself provided a lot of opportunities to spend free time. The hotel grounds were vast and full of greenery. We relaxed in various ways, moving between the pools and the beach. Julek often swam and played basketball. And tasty meals eaten on the terrace overlooking the sea were a real feast for the spirit and body.

Corfu island

Kanał Miłości Pamiątkowa fotka Kanał Miłości artysta Niezwykłe formacje skalne Pamiątkowa fotka Na szczycie cypel Romantyczna plaża Niezwykłe formacje skalne Górski krajobraz Dzwonnica kościółka w wiosce Krini Zamek Angelokastro w całej okazałości Główne wejście do twierdzy Basteja strzegąca bramy Zamkowa kaplica Agia Kiriaki Cysterny do przechowywania wody deszczowej Panorama wybrzeża z murów zamkowych Cytadela, kościół Archanioła Michała Marmurowa płyta z wczesnochrześcijańskiej świątyni Wykute w skale groby w kształcie ludzkiego ciała Zabójczy widok Paw rozkładający ogon Widok od tyłu Dzisiaj żadna mi się nie oprze Pawia portret własny Pawie pióra Palaiochora Taras widokowy z armatą Brama do klasztoru Panagia Theotokou Dzwonnica Ozdobny portal Wnętrze kościoła Najświetszej Marii Panny Ikonostas Królewskie wrota Klify Peroulades Pamiątkowa fotka Bujna roślinność Klify Peroulades w całej okazałości Kropla drąży skałę Imponujące formacje skalne Nostalgia Pamiątkowa fotka W drodze Roślina akantu, jej liście są wykorzystywane w architekturze jako ornament Kapliczka przydrożna Góra Pandokrator, dzwonnica bramna Kościół Przemienienia Pańskiego z XVII w. Załamanie pogody na szczycie to częste zjawisko Bogato zdobione wnętrze koscioła Swiatłyszcze Jezus Chrystus Pantokrator Kruk przynoszący chleb św. Pawłowi z Teb Sadzawka życzeń, można poprosić o lepszą pogodę Panorama ze szczytu Góry Pandokrator Pamiątkowa fotka Panorama ze szczytu Góry Pandokrator Zmęczeni, ale zadowoleni

In Corfu, attractive historical and natural sites are located mainly in the central and northern part of the island. To see at least some of them, I rented a car and we went sightseeing. The weather was good, the sun was shining almost all the time, but it wasn't hot. We were most impressed by the Love Canal, the cliffs in Peroulades and the ruins of the medieval Angelokastro castle suspended on the top of a rocky hill.

Corfu city

Bizantyjski Stary Fort z XII w. w całej okazałości Stary Fort, Porta Maggiore Wenecki moździerz z połowy XVII w. Wieża zegarowa i wenecka studnia Marina Mandraki, w głębi wyspa Vido Fort Campana, latarnia morska Wieża Morska Panorama miasta, w głębi Nowy Fort Pomnik hrabiego Schulenburga, obrońcy miasta przed turkami Plac Spianada, gigantyczny kaktus Promenada Kościół Matki Boskiej Mandrakina z XVIII w. Liston Pałac św. Jerzego i Michała z XIX w. Pamiątkowa fotka Staromiejska uliczka Agoiu Spiridonoa Dzwonnica i kościół św. Spirydona z XVI w. Wnętrze kościoła Kolejka wiernych do srebrnej trumny z relikwiami świętego Malowniczy zaułek Scenka uliczna Skromna dzwonnica kościoła św. Mikołaja z XVI w. Ikonostas - ikony namiestne, św. Kerkyra Swojskie klimaty Stały klient Mitropolis, katedra prawosławna z XVI w. Wenecki Nowy Fort z przełomu XV/XVI w. Brama Ottourata Lew św. Marka, symbol panowania Republiki Weneckiej W drodze do fortu Upiór Cytadela twierdzy Panorama miasta, w głębi Stary Fort Prom do Albanii Pamiątkowa fotka Staromiejska uliczka Scenka uliczna Siesta Chwila wytchnienia Najlepszy środek transportu Stary ratusz miejski San Giacomo, detale architektoniczne Chwila zadumy Kościół św.św. Jakuba i Krzysztofa Plac Dimarchiou, uliczni muzykanci Antyczne Paleopolis, ruiny rzymskich łaźni Pozostałości wczesnochrześcijańskiej bazyliki Neoklasyczna willa Mon Repos z początku XIX w. Relief na ścianie kościoła Chrystusa Zbawiciela Wzgórze Kanoni, wysepki Vlacherna i Pondikonissi Monastyr Vlacherna z XVII w. Pamiątkowa fotka Wota dziękczynne pod wizerunkiem Hodegetrii Pendikonissi (Mysia Wyspa) będąca statkiem z floty Odyseusza zamienionym przez Posejdona w kamień

Although many of Corfu's historic buildings were destroyed as a result of German bombing during World War II, its old town part was included on the Unesco list. The historical center between the Old and New Fort is a real tangle of narrow streets crowded with tourists seeking excitement. We simply got carried away by the crowd and still reached Liston, Agios Spyridon, Mitropolis and other attractive places.

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